To support the creative community, Jo Malone London asked 11 British creatives to contribute a piece of Art based on the theme of Spring.

“To create the piece, he gathered the flowers on his daily walks around Harrow in North West London and in Richmond Park, before carefully laying them out with tweezers, photographing them against blue background with a scanner. ‘seeing all the bulbs growing up after winter was really uplifting,’ says Stopforth, who noticed that the Bee’s would buzz around the buttercups which were among the first flowers to blossom. ‘it comes from this idea that all of life reaches up towards the sun in one direction, away from the cold and into the warmth.’ he says when thinking about the inspiration for the piece.” JO MALONE LONDON

“He chose to arrange the flowers in a circular form. Not only because they symbolise the moon and the sun, but also because he thinks that a fascination with circles harks back to mankind’s earliest relationship with nature, which was more intimate. I think that in early Art, the symbolism of the sun is very powerful,’ says Stopforth. ‘and generally, whatever I do, it comes back to a circle. Nature used to surround people in a way that they just absorbed, and they made their Art with what they saw, which was the moon, sun, stars and animals. But now, we’re perhaps a bit more detached from it. So, it’s nice to bring things back to just Nature.” JO MALONE LONDON

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